According to Frank Sinatra's longest running opening act, comedian Tom Dreesen who related this story to the Rat Pack Impersonators Group, a party one night at Dean Martin's house took an unexpected turn. The guys were all there, along with some other guests, as a trio played and people joked and drank. About 11:00 PM the doorbell rang and when Dean's wife answered it, she saw the police standing there. They told her that there were complaints about the noise. Jeannie was surprised, because she had alerted the neighbors that there was going to be a get-together, and they were all fine with it.
Then Frank noticed that Dean was nowhere to be found. He went to Dean's bedroom where he found Dean on the bed. It soon became clear who blew the whistle. Dean, who had a passion for golf, explained that he wanted to get a good night's sleep and get up early to play, thus becoming possibly the first person ever to call the police on his own party.